You see, Longboat doesn't have the versality that Play Again! has, that being a fantastic ultimate that can revive the vikings to push a lane incredibly hard or ult into the backline of your enemies for a clutch play(IE Having the vikings take all the abuse while your team cleans up), and the Longboat's auto target irritates me too much as to let it off the hook as a "good" Heroic ability. The Longboat is a niche heroic talent that doesn't deliver as much as you hope it would. with Pain Don't Hurt and Baelog the Fierce, he can solo Siege Creeps on his own without much needed help, while Olaf and Erik push an exposed lane or Olaf goes for the objective while Erik chills in a bush, soaking up experience in an empty lane.

Pain don't Hurt is a underrated talent, it provides Baelog with some sustain and independance to be able to PvE relatively safely anywhere on the map, not only giving him an edge in battle, but also being able to push and keep himself healthy to not be too exposed to your enemy team. Do yourself a favor and don't pick up Spin to Win! or Norse Force for that matter, both actives are terrible and you'd rather give Baelog the extra attack speed to clear camps on his own. Let me start off by saying that Spin to Win! is one of the worst talents you could possibly pick, you put 3 relatively squishy vikings, 2 of them being RANGED, near a target that can easily kill them if they get close to the intended target.